Friday, April 7, 2017

New Elvis book about Elvis and Bruce Jackson

New Elvis book about Elvis and Bruce Jackson

We are excited to announce a project that we know you’ve been wanting for years. The richly illustrated large-format book SIX YEARS ON THE ROAD WITH ELVIS delves deeply into sound-man Bruce Jackson’s life travelling with the Elvis Presley Show.

'I mixed and ran the sound for Elvis for six years until his death on August 16 1977. I was 22 when I started working for him. I did hundreds and hundreds of shows with Elvis across mainland United States and Hawaii, constantly on the road to the next city or town. In between there were recording projects Elvis asked me to be a part of and stopovers for rehearsals at Graceland. Over those six years I got to know him on a candid personal level as a friend.' - Bruce Jackson

Written and compiled by the Jackson family using intimate letters and direct quotes from talking tapes recorded by Bruce Jackson back in the day, this book will take the reader on a previously unexplored journey behind the scenes with new stories, new artefacts, and details never before read about Bruce Jackson, Elvis Presley and his entourage. Richly illustrated, you'll get an accurate impression of day-to-day touring life through postcards written and posted along the track by Bruce to his girlfriend and family, through fastidiously collected and preserved tour literature, and what everyone is wondering about: the tapes. Bruce recorded every show he did with Elvis. It's a fact. 

Bruce was warmly welcomed into the TCB inner circle. This is Bruce’s story told in his words, with contributions from family, friends, and colleagues including Roy Clair (co-founder of Clair Bros Audio). Whilst the release date is to be confirmed, we will post details in due course and let you know how to order your copy of this limited edition.



  1. I'm an Elvis book junkie...and will most likely buy this book too. Bruce Jackson....not much is know about him and his relationship to Elvis. Bruce died in we will hear information written down by him on paper and interviews etc stored on tapes. I am looking forward to the : "Richly illustrated, you'll get an accurate impression of day-to-day touring life through postcards written and posted along the track by Bruce to his girlfriend and family, through fastidiously collected and preserved tour literature, and what everyone is wondering about: the tapes. Bruce recorded every show he did with Elvis. It's a fact. "......Hope the book will come with rare, unseen photo's of Elvis.
    Thanks Albert for posting,

  2. This will be something different from the average run of the mill "I knew Elvis book"!! I think I have every book I've ever come across this past 45 years which relates to Elvis in whatever way so this will literally be a breath of fresh air. I'm really looking forward to learning about this different side of Elvis, and hopefully they'll be plenty of pictures I've never before seen. Then there's the recordings, he recorded every single show/recording that he did with Elvis, can you imagine if those were released on CDs for everyone to hear, that would be amazing! Well I can only hope that they would only be released at some point in the near future, well I'm waiting patiently for this book, basically I can't wait!! ⚡️T.C.B⚡️


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