Saturday, May 11, 2019

Out In Hollywood - Volume 2 - MTP

Out In Hollywood - Volume 2 - MTP

We all remember the "good old days" when FTD released their first releases like
"The Jungle Room Sessions", "Fame and Fortune" and "Out in Hollywood".

Those cds were in our players for weeks, due to all the unreleased stuff, great sound quality and last but not least the fact there were a lot of complete outtakes never heard before.

After a while, although the releases were still fantastic, we got more and more cds with lots of outtakes from the same songs, great for collecting, but listening pleasure was a bit less fun...

Time for some action!
The new label " MTP " (Meant to be Played) is proud to present their first release:

"OUT IN HOLLYWOOD volume 2" a release with some very rare and hard to find "complete" outtakes!
The artwork matches the original first release and has the same "feel" ... this looks to be a real winner!

01. Roustabout - take 13
02. Bossa Nova Baby - take 11
03. Let Yourself Go - Reversed Master 
04. Your Time Hasn't Come Yet, Baby - take 1    
05. If You Think I Don't Need You take 2
06. A Boy Like Me, A Girl Like You take 2
07. Flaming Star take 5  
08. Wonderful World take 3
09. Catchin' On Fast - Take 4 (unedited)
10. Do the Vega - take 2  
11. Yoga is As Yoga Does - take 4
12. My Desert Serenade - take 10
13. Sand Castles KO take 8    
14. I Need Somebody To Lean On take 5  
15. It's Carnival Time take 12 
16. Stay Away, Joe - take 9
17. Edge of Reality take 2
18. Charro! - Rough Mix  
19. Almost - take 25
20. I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here take 5  
21. Kissin' Cousins (regular overdub) take 2
22. Let Me - take 3

Source: ElvisCollectors

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