Monday, January 9, 2023

Music From The MGM Motion Pictures Harum Scarum - Popcorn

 Music From The MGM Motion Pictures Harum Scarum - Popcorn

Now available is the second release on the POPCORN label. This amazing double album is completely dedicated to the Harum Scarum sessions.
These sessions, which took place in February & March of 1965, 8 months after the GIRL HAPPY sessions Elvis went back to STUDIO B at the RCA STUDIOS in Nashville Tennessee. Some overdubs took place at the MGM Sound Stage in Hollywood California 2 weeks later. The sessions resulted in 11 master recordings of which 9 were used in the movie. Wisdom of the ages & Animal Instinct were featured as bonus tracks on the soundtrack lp.
Now you can enjoy these sessions on this deluxe double album.
All the tracks are also available on the 2 bonus cd’s added to this package.
Although not the best sessions Elvis was involved in, still this set makes a great listen.


01. Harem holiday – take 1 & 2
02. My desert serenade – take 1-3
03. Kismet – take 1 & 2
04. Shake that tambourine – take 7, 8 & 10
05. Hey little girl – take 1 & 2
06. Golden coins – take 1-4
07. So close, yet so far (from paradise) – take 1


01. Animal instinct – take 1
02. Wisdom of the ages – take 1 & 2
03. Shake that tambourine – take 14
04. Animal instinct – take 3 & 4
05. My desert serenade – take 7
06. Kismet – take 3-5 (stereo master)
07. Wisdom of the ages – take 3
08. Shake that tambourine – take 15 & 16
09. Hey little girl – take 3


01. So close, yet so far (from paradise) – take 2 & 3
02. Wisdom of the ages – take 4
03. Golden coins – take 7 & 8
04. My desert serenade – take 10
05. Shake that tambourine – take 17-21
06. Hey little girl – take 4 & 5 (mono master)
07. Wisdom of the ages – take 5 (stereo master)
08. So close, yet so far (from paradise) – take 4

SIDE D (Film versions)

01. Harem holiday
02. My desert serenade
03. Go east – young man
04. Mirage
05. Kismet
06. Shake that tambourine
07. Hey little girl
08. Golden coins
09. So close, yet so far (from paradise)
10. Harem holiday


01. Harem holiday – take 1 & 2
02. My desert serenade – take 1-3
03. Kismet – take 1 & 2
04. Shake that tambourine – take 7, 8 & 10
05. Hey little girl – take 1 & 2
06. Golden coins – take 1-4
07. So close, yet so far (from paradise) – take 1
08. Animal instinct – take 1
09. Wisdom of the ages – take 1 & 2
10. Shake that tambourine – take 14
11. Animal instinct – take 3 & 4
12. My desert serenade – take 7
13. Kismet – take 3-5 (stereo master)
14. Wisdom of the ages – take 3
15. Shake that tambourine – take 15 & 16
16. Hey little girl – take 3


01. So close, yet so far (from paradise) – take 2 & 3
02. Wisdom of the ages – take 4
03. Golden coins – take 7 & 8
04. My desert serenade – take 10
05. Shake that tambourine – take 17-21
06. Hey little girl – take 4 & 5 (mono master)
07. Wisdom of the ages – take 5 (stereo master)
08. So close, yet so far (from paradise) – take 4
Film versions
09. Harem holiday
10. My desert serenade
11. Go east – young man
12. Mirage
13. Kismet
14. Shake that tambourine
15. Hey little girl
16. Golden coins
17. So close, yet so far (from paradise)
18. Harem holiday

Source: ElvisCollectors

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